CWC Observes California Writers Week

In 2003, the California State Assembly officially declared the third week in October each year as California Writers Week. This was initially proposed by California Writers Club and co-sponsored by our state libraries. Branches observe the occasion this month with,...

“The Best of the Best” Now Available

The Best of the Best: 2024 Literary Review by the CWC members is now available on Amazon. We dedicate this book to the memory of our dear friend, Bob Isbill. A pdf version will follow on the CWC website any day now.

Central Board Meets on Zoom Sunday July 28  

The July CWC board meeting will be held on Sunday, July, 28, 2024 on Zoom starting at 1:30.  The zoom will open at 1:15. President Roger Lubeck will send a notice to reps with a draft agenda. The meeting will include election of 2024-25 officers together...


As before the Literary Review will represent a sample of the best writing by members. Branches will select submissions from their own membership and send the works to a team of CWC judges, one poem and one prose piece from branches with up to 50 members or two poems,...