California Writers Club THE BULLETIN
The Bulletin is CWC’s member newsletter, published quarterly. It includes informative articles on topics of interest to writers, plus club news updates and announcements of members’ literary achievements. Generally speaking, publishing opportunities in The Bulletin are limited to current CWC members. Exceptions may be made for submissions from authors who have distinguished themselves in their genre or area of expertise, especially if they have been branch guest speakers.
The Bulletin is sent to all members in pdf format as an email attachment. To read a pdf of the current issue click here or on the image at left.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin is CWC’s member newsletter, published quarterly. It includes informative articles on topics of interest to writers, plus club news updates and announcements of members’ literary achievements. Generally speaking, publishing opportunities in The Bulletin are limited to current CWC members. Exceptions may be made for submissions from authors who have distinguished themselves in their genre or area of expertise, especially if they have been branch guest speakers.
The Bulletin is sent to all members in pdf format as an email attachment. To read a pdf of the current issue click here or on the image at left.
Submit to the CWC Bulletin
Welcome The Bulletin—CWC’s digital member newsletter. Editor-in-chief, Joyce Krieg (Central Coast); Associate Editor, Sandy Moffett (Writers of Kern).
In general, we’re looking for three types of content for The Bulletin
General-interest articles on writing craft and the writing business: Do you have writing-related expertise you would like to share with others? Whether it’s how to solicit Amazon reviews, the nitty-gritty rules of grammar, or your take on the great Plotter-versus-Pantser debate, your fellow writers are eager to benefit from your wisdom. Send a brief proposal outlining the title and content of your piece to Selected contributors will receive a blurb to promote your book or business.
Upcoming Branch Events: We’re looking for news of upcoming branch events that would be of interest to the entire CWC membership. Let 1800 fellow members know about your upcoming speakers, workshops, contests, conferences, and special events. One person at each branch should be designated to submit this material. Send your news release, up to 250 words, to Sandy Moffett, Must include details (title, date, cost, registration, Zoom link, etc.) in case members of other branches wish to participate.
Member Achievements: Have you launched a new book? Won a writing contest? Received a writing award? Been published by a magazine? Share your literary achievement with your fellow CWC members. Send your news to and put ‘Member News’ on the Subject line. Limit of 50 words. Space permitting, we’ll include your book cover. See below for guidelines for graphics.
Submission Guidelines in General:
Text: Word doc or docx as an email attachment. No Pages format or PDF. No Google Docs or other file-sharing platforms. Times New Roman typeface, 12-point font. Be sure to include contact information.
Graphics: JPEG format, sent separately as email attachments. Do not embed in Word doc. Please resize your photographs and other graphic elements to a range of 100 to 500 kb. Provide captions in the Word doc, including complete names and titles of people pictured.
Deadlines: June 1, September 1, December 1, March 1, with publication occurring on the 15th of those months.
Advertise in the Bulletin
Now advertise 4 times a year!
Want to increase your visibility? Sell your service? Promote your book? Increase speaker engagements? Pump up your web traffic? Or just send a greeting?
Each issue of The Bulletin — published four times a year — reaches close to 2,000 published and aspiring writers, in 22 branches throughout the state. AND it is published here on
Deadlines: March 1 June 1, September 1, December 1, with publication occurring on the 15th of those months.
We are accepting writing-related advertising from businesses, CWC members, and individuals who wish to reach our target market at reasonable prices.
Four tiers of ads are being offered:
- Business card size (2” x 3.5”) ads for $35..
- Index card size (3” x 5”) ads for $60. These will be interspersed throughout The Bulletin as appropriate.
- 5″ x 7″ size ads for $90 placed at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief
All of the above can be paid for by check as described below, or by PayPal (below).
We will make available one and one only full-page vertical or horizontal ad (7″ x 10″) for $200. First come, first served, and for that reason, arrangement for this ad must be made by check and submitted by postal mail and by email as described below. Advertisers whose ads are received by mail too late to qualify will be notified of their option to buy a 5×7 or smaller ad and their checks will be returned.
All ads submitted must be self-edited, print-ready, and will be published as received. We reserve the right to decline material deemed inappropriate at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.
All ads must be emailed as a jpg file attachment to and a copy sent to
A physical copy of your ad must be enclosed with the postal mailed payment. Please include your return address, email address, and telephone contact number.
Deadlines for Branch news submissions are the same as for advertising:
March 1, June 1, September 1, and December 1.
Each CWC Branch is eligible to submit one 5×7 ad to publicize a branch conference that they are sponsoring, and this ad will be published free of charge.
Capacity for advertising will be determined by the Editor-in-Chief. In case we receive more ads than can be accommodated, advertisers will be notified of the option to reserve space in the next issue.
Space is limited, and appropriate ads will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. A copy of The Bulletin will be emailed to advertisers upon publication. Please include your preferred email address along with your ad submission. Questions? Call Bob Isbill at (760) 221-6367.
Checks or money orders for submitted ads must be made payable to CWC Central Treasury and mailed to:
17645 Fisher St.
Victorville, CA 92395
- Please double-check to be sure you have followed directions closely.
- Design your ad. You can scan it to a jpeg file and send it to and a copy to
- Then place the hard copy of your ad in an envelope addressed to the HDCWC address. It is okay to fold the copy if you need to do so.
- Enclose your check made payable to CWC Central Treasury or pay by PayPal on If you paid by PayPal, please state the amount in your envelope.
- Full page ads purchased by mail only.
BULLETIN — back issues
- Winter 2024 (pdf)
- Fall 2024 (pdf)
- Summer 2024 (pdf)
- Spring 2024 (pdf)
- Winter 2023 (pdf)
- Autumn 2023 (pdf)
- Summer 2023 (pdf)
- Spring 2023 (pdf)
- Winter 2022 (pdf)
- Fall 2022 (pdf)
- Summer 2022 (pdf)
- Spring 2022 (pdf)
- Winter 2021 (pdf)
- Summer 2021 (pdf)
- Spring 2021 (pdf)
- Winter 2020 (pdf)
- Summer 2020 (pdf)
- Winter 2019 (pdf)
- Summer 2019 (pdf)
- Spring 2019 (pdf)
- Winter 2018 (pdf)
- Winter 2018 (flipbook)