Seeking Vision and Verse Ekphrastic Book Submissions

Vision and Verse, a Fusion of Poetry, Prose, Art and Photography

The first phase (Art Contest) of our 2024 ekphrastic book event has been completed. Editor Les Bernstein and judge Cheryl Maeder selected 15 images out of the 276 submitted works of art.  

In the second phase of the Vision and Verse ekphrastic book project, for 2024.

We are seeking submissions of poetry and prose designed to be paired with the selected artwork. Ekphrastic writing is a literary reaction to a selected artwork. It is a way of using artwork as a writing prompt that is designed to inspire and ignite imagination. 

Here are the guidelines for submissions:

  • Please choose up to three selections from the images above and write a poem or a short prose (under 300 words) in response to a selection.  
  • Submission period February 1st-March 7th.
    • Times New Roman, 12-point font
    • Format as a Microsoft Word Document
    • Each submission must have its own file.  
    • You can submit three files for the $10 fee. 
    • The file name must include the artwork’s number and title and whether the submission is a poem or prose.
      For example: CWC ekphrastic submission poem for artwork # 1 Welcome.  
    • Place the artwork number and title at the Right Top of the submitted poem or prose.
    • Your name is not to appear on the page or the file.
    • Prose submissions must be under 300 words.
    • Please include an under 50 words biography written in 3rd person.
    • There is a $10 fee for a submission. 
    • You can submit three files in the same submission form for the $10 fee. 

For questions, contact Les Bernstein

(To stop the slides above from changing, click on the image you want to stay and keep your cursor on that image.)

Editor and Submission Judges

Les Bernstein is an award-winning poet whose poems have appeared in journals and anthologies in the U.S.A. and internationally. Her full-length book, Loose Magic was reviewed by the Los Angeles Review of Books and is available on Amazon.


Rebecca Foust’s books include The Unexploded Ordinance Bin, winner of the 2018 Swan Scythe Press Chapbook Award and Paradise Drive, winner of the Press 53 Award for Poetry and reviewed in the Times Literary Supplement. Recognitions include the Cavafy and James Hearst Prizes (Poetry), the Lascaux and American Literary Review Prizes (Fiction), the Constance Rooke Creative Nonfiction Prize, and fellowships from The Frost Place, Hedgebrook, MacDowell, and Sewanee. New work is in Alaska Quarterly Review, The Hudson Review, The Massachusetts Review, Southern Review, Zyzzyva, and elsewhere. Foust was Marin County Poet Laureate in 2017-19.

Joseph Zaccardi’s sixth book of poems, Songbird of the Nine Rivers, was published by Sixteen Rivers Press in 2023.  His poems have appeared in Atlanta Review, Cincinnati Review, Poetry East, Rattle, and elsewhere. Zaccardi served as the poet laureate of Marin County, California, from 2013 to 2015, and edited Changing Harm to Harmony: Bullies and Bystanders Project.

Vision and Verse Ekphrastic Submissions Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
You must be a current CWC member to submit.
You may enter up to three files. Please do not include your name in the titles. Make them descriptive.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please submit Word .doc or .docx files.
Please enter a 50-word bio.
By submitting your writing, you give us permission to share your entry on our social media and marketing channels.

Pay $10 Submission Fee with PayPal or credit card.