Vision & Verse II: A Fusion of Art and Writing

A CWC-members-only art and photography contest

The California Writers Club is proud to announce a members-only Art and Photography contest beginning on February 15, 2025 and ending on March 15, 2025. The winning art/photography will appear as visual inspiration for our second Ekphrastic Book.

If you would like the opportunity to see your artwork or photography published in the book, we invite you to submit a digital image of your work to the CWC Art Contest. The chosen winners’ work will be featured prominently throughout Vision & Verse II and combined with poetry and prose that is selected from the members submissions.

The Vision and Verse II submission guideline will be announced after the winning images are published in March. The announcement will be e-mailed to all members.

2025 CWC Art and Photography Contest Submission Guidelines:

1.Artwork: We welcome original paintings, drawings, illustrations, or any other visual art mediums. All      work must be original to the artist and has not appeared in any publication (electronically or in print). The artist will be asked to attest that the art is not AI generated.

2.Photography: We invite striking and evocative original photographs. All work must be original to the artist and not previously published (electronically or in print). We recognize that commonly used photographic tools like Abode Photoshop use AI processes. As such, the artist will be asked to attest whether any AI tool was used in creating or modifying the submitted image.

3.All submissions must be submitted in a jpeg format. Size limit 8” x 10” (2400 x 3000 pixels).

4.All submissions must be received by March 15 to be eligible for consideration.

5.There is a $10.00 submission fee for each piece of art submitted. 

6.Members may submit as many pieces as they want. The fee is $10.00 each.

7.Submissions are to include a 50 word (brief) bio.

It is expected there will be up to 15 pieces selected for the book. A first prize winner will receive $100.00 and his/her art and it will appear on the cover. The second and third place winners will receive $50.00 each and their art will be prominently featured in the book. The other contest winners featured in the book will receive a free copy.

All the winners’ art will appear in an issue of the CWC Bulletin and will be on the CWC website..
We look forward to seeing your talent shine in the CWC’s 2025 Vision & Verse II.

  • Les Bernstein. Editor-in-Chief, and Judge
  • Robin Gabbert, Judge
  • Crissi Langwell, Secretary
  • Roger C. Lubeck, CWC President

Pay $10 per submission with PayPal or credit card.


Les Bernstein

Les BernsteinLes Bernstein is an award-winning poet. Her poems have appeared in journals, literary publications and anthologies in the United States and internationally. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee. Les has been the editor of the annual Redwood Writers Anthologies since 2018 and was the editor of the Marin High School Anthology in 2018. Finishing Line Press has published her three chapbooks and her full-length book Loose Magic. Her New book, Almost Home, is available on Amazon. She lives in Mill Valley, California with her enormous family.

Robin Gabbert

Robin Gabbert has poems in state, national, and international poetry anthologies. Her poem “Invisible” was a finalist in the 2024 San Francisco Writers Conference Contest. Her chapbook of ekphrastic poetry — The Clandestine Life of Paintings, in Poems was published in November 2022. An instructor in Ekphrastic Poetry, Robin has spoken to the California Writers Club and other groups on using art to enrich your writing. See, for a new class starting March 2025.